

Scene Kids


Scene kids are on the surface basically just emo kids. But don't say that to their face, they don't like it. The main difference between emos and scene kids is that, scene kids tend to care more about their appearance than their actual emotions; a major faux pas in the emo community. Scene kids are a lot less depressed and a lot more...neon.

Also see Evan Blue: "Blood Works"

Appearance wise scene kids are very similar to emos, but attitude wise they couldn't be more different. Scene kids go out of their way to appear to be adorable. They show how adorable they are by worshipping Hello Kitty (arguably the most loveable mouth less cartoon cat ever) making obscure references to ninjas, and roaring at people for no obvious reason...RAWR. Scene kids also have a dictionary that the majority of people do not have access to. They can be quite difficult to understand at times, but usually you can work out what information they are trying to convey by sounding out the word to recognise them phonetically.

Example: RAWWR = To utter a loud, deep, prolonged sound, especially in distress, rage, or excitement. Kayyy = In proper or satisfactory operational or working order. Asum = Expressing awe. Kiiid = The young of a similar animal, such as an antelope or goat. Bish = A female canine animal, especially a dog. Baaaby = A very young child; an infant.


A lot of scene spelling consists of adding another letter to whatever letter in a specific word has the longest sound. Other scene lingo includes "rad", "Ace", "stellar" "Oh-em-gee" and pretty much any sort of cheesy slang from the 1980s is good. Also they use abbreviations a lot, especially when they're uncomfortable, they always try to make sure that no one knows what they mean. Example: "I'm going to the mall" would be IGTTM. Because a short cut to conveying happy-go-luckiness, is to not write proper fully formed sentences. Scene kids can most likely be found on Myspace or other social networking sites such as Facebook, where they have a lot of siblings..., Stickam, Buzznet and Bebo. Where they play an interesting scene game the goal of which is rather simple; to have an equal number of friends and photos...and they have a lot of photos. Most likely they add a middle name to their existing one, often starting with the same letter as their first name, such as: "Donny Dangerous xxx" , "Mason Misery xxx" etc.. Between taking pictures and adding friends, they fill their social networking time by putting up eye sore backgrounds and ear bleeding music.

When not on the Internet, scene kids can be spotted at shows. Shows are important, and all scene kids know everything about their music. A favourite pass time of scene kids is to get to know some local bands, be their friends, and then brag about it!

One more thing; real scene kids never admit they are scene, this makes them look like posers and nobody wants to be seen as a poser because they're no fun!

Also see Evan Blue: "Blood Works"

Wording by: Luv-Emo 

 Most photos from:

"Nasty Neons' never forget to remember not to forget theme to be scene 21st birthday party!"

"Personal note: This post is close to my heart as I know all these kids personally!"





Leaving you with the words of:  hei im the real Georgey undead aka Geohpltc25 or Geo OR HOWEVER THE FUCK U KNO me


DIFFERENCE BETWEEN EMO N SCENE KIDS.scene kids are basicaly described 4 bitchin hair,randomness,being different from the croud and tend to cum out as addorable,popular, theyr just kids who stand out from the croud and are proud of it. emo kids...thats a little more complex and different, emo stands for emotional, emo kids are verry deep and in to theyr feelings,poetry, basicaly cute kids... giving out a melencholy vibe. dnt call anyone emo cuz of long hair,makup,skinny jeans. cuz that will make you seem like a retard someone mite not even look emo but be verry in toche with theyr inner emotions . but the point is labels are redericilous its best to be yourselfe. being myselfe is hard but i dont give a fuck what ppl think of me or call me because i am myselfe and im proud of it =]



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